Maria Dębińska
Research interests:
Anthropology of the body, anthropology of gender and sexuality, social studies of science, new materialisms, posthumanism, bioart
Contact: mdebinska@iaepan.edu.pl
Dębińska M. 2020. Transpłciowość w Polsce. Wytwarzanie kategorii, Wydawnictwo IAE PAN, Warszawa.
Journal articles:
Dębińska M. 2021. Witnessing from within: Hyperobjects and climate activism in Poland, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 11(2), 445-460
Dębińska M. 2021. Diagnosing transsexualism, diagnosing society: blurred genres of Polish sexology in the 1970s and 1980s, w: Queers in State Socialism. Cruising 1970s Poland, red. Tomasz Basiuk, Jędrzej Burszta, Routledge, London, New York.
Dębińska M. 2020. Śluzowce, ludzie i superorganizm, Czas Kultury, 2, 36-42.
Dębińska M. 2014. Trzeba zmienić społeczeństwo. Seksuologia i transseksualizm w późnym PRL, Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej, 1(20), 51-73.
Dębińska M. 2013. Natura, kultura i hybrydy. Prawne konstrukcje transseksualizmu i sprawy o ustalenie płci, Lud, 47, 221-244.
Chapters in collective monographs:
Dębińska M. 2012. Queer i polityka cierpienia. Strategie narracyjne i polityczne osób trans w Polsce [w:] A. Stasińska, M. Drozdowski, M. Kłosowska (red.), Strategie Queer. Od teorii do praktyki (226-244). Warszawa: Difin.
Current projects under way
Mucus as Method. An ethnography of scientific practices
NCN-funded research project (OPUS 2019/33/B/HS3/02332) to analyze a variety of scientific and popular science practices that treat the Physarum polycephalum mucilaginous as a tool for investigating and conceptualizing the social.
Selected completed projects
2009-2013 – Ethnographic field research combined with discourse analysis and court records on the history and tools of the production of the category of transgender in Poland, being the basis for a doctoral thesis entitled: “Law, sexology and transgender. Transformations of socio-cultural practices of gender construction in Poland (1964-2012)”.
2009-2013 – Ethnographic field research combined with discourse analysis and court records on the history and tools of the production of transgender categories in Poland, being the basis for a doctoral thesis entitled: “Law, sexology and transgender. Transformations of socio-cultural practices of gender construction in Poland (1964-2012)”.
2010-2012 – Research project entitled “The public space of Warsaw from an anthropological perspective” carried out as part of an ethnographic laboratory for undergraduate students at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw.
2009-2013 – Ethnographic field research combined with discourse analysis and court records on the history and tools of the production of the category of transgender in Poland, being the basis for a doctoral thesis entitled: “Law, sexology and transgender. Transformations of socio-cultural practices of gender construction in Poland (1964-2012)”.
Currently, Maria Debinska is coming on a three-year fellowship at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry in Berlin https://www.ici-berlin.org/people/debinska/