Agnieszka Halemba
I am a social anthropologist. I work at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and teach sociology and anthropology of religion at the University of Potsdam. Previously, I worked at the University of Warsaw. At the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale and at the Centre for East/Central European Culture and History (GWZO) at the University of Leipzig. I received my PhD from the University of Cambridge
I have been doing research in the field of anthropology of religion for many years.
From the study of relationships with non-human entities, social bonds, identity issues, mechanisms of cognition, to relations of power, domination and economics, religion has been for me an inexhaustible source of theoretical and methodological inspiration.
I have conducted field research in southern Siberia and Transcarpathian Ukraine. Since 2016, I have been researching the significance of religious architecture in the secular setting of eastern Germany.
I have authored two ethnographic monographs:
My other publications can be found here : https://pan-pl.academia.edu/AgnieszkaHalemba
Email: ahalemba@iaepan.edu.pl